by Ravensheen in Build Mode
Fab-Boo-Lous Halloween Wall Art
Add scary-chic festive flair to your house with these Halloween-themed art prints. Nothing screams spooky like a seasonal collage wall.

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Fallen Angel Wings Window
Can be found in Windows. I needed this window without shutters for the smaller shotgun homes so I made them as an item in itself as well! • Fallen Angel Wings Window • Fallen Angel Wings Window 1-tile

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Fishy Wall Decor
Just some wall art I thought we should have for our builds. • BG – Fishing Poster • BG – Warf Signs & Directional Signs • EP04 – Painted Fish Sign on Brick

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Floral Toile Panels
So these are not the greatest, and I only made a few colors but it was really my first attempt at doing anything besides recoloring. It also gave me a chance to create some templates in case I want to make more walls with panels in the future • Floral Toile Wall Panels

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Garden Soil Terrains
My goal was to match the soil mound of the harvestable when it’s wet so it doesn’t look off when there’s a harvestable on it. The other plus side to this is it makes it really easy to see when your plants need watering. • Wet & Dry Garden Soil

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Get Famous Exterior Wall Deco
It’s missing from the picture above, but there is also a medium sized wall brace to fit mid-height walls as well. • Absolutely Marbelous Large Balcony • Retail Sign • Still Life Store Sign • Still Life Store Single & Double Awning • Short & Medium Wall Braces

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Glimmerbrook Terrains
Every wanted a path of grass? Maybe a cobble or clay, for many different makes? Rectangular, Quadrangular, or even triangular! Maybe not that last one, but this'll be sure to keep your Sim on the linear! • Street Cobbles and River Rocks • Rocky Soil and Clay • Rectangular Pavers • Fanned Pavers • Concrete • Blocky Pavers • Pine Needles • Soft, Light, and Dark Grass • Regular, good ole' Soil

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Greenhouse Build Set
I created full wall versions of the Le Magnifique window and Classy Glass Door. Files starting with an F (i.e. FSM) means that the window/door is full wall, O (OSM) means it’s the original height. The glass roof sculptures can be used in combination with the ones already in game and have a very unique style and shape. There are also 2 friezes to match my metal colors. There are, to say the least, a lot of files here so I did you and definitely not myself the favor of summarizing it lol. • Walls, Doors, and roof pieces in every height IMAGINABLE!!! And by imaginable I just mean limited to in-game • All available in two different colors; the glorious and magnificent Brazens Metals Palettes and in-game colors • Last but not least, two trim pieces

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
In The Mood Fireplace
Apartments only? No longer!!! This fireplace can now be placed and you can woohoo wherever!

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Jony’S Stone Wall
I took the pattern from one of the chimneys and turned it into these walls so it would match almost seamlessly. Now your chimneys won't be that slightly off red tint from the wall! Jony's Stone Walls Rock Recolors

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Jungle Stone Foundation
A nice, mossy jungle foundation for whatever tickles your fancy! • Jungle Stone Foundation

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Lit Wall Advertisements
Each of these posters and wall items have different variations for every movie you can find! • Lit Movie Posters • Horizontal Lit Wall Advertisement • Vertical Lit Wall Advertisements • Narrow Vertical Lit Wall Advertisements

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Magnificent Brick – No Corners
Many different recolors for a singular brick wall! I also just went ahead and removed the corners as well. • Brick Recolors for the Magnificent Brick with No Corners

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Market Raw Wood Floors
There I sat, digging in the game files just waiting, looking. Until it came upon me, almost like a dream! A floor!! And a floor that matched some sets of mine as well, nonetheless!!! Since I found a bountiful treasure like this, I figured I could share it with all of my beautiful followers! • Raw Wood Floor in Farmer’s Market Colors

by Brazenlotus in Build Mode
Modular Awnings
The originals were a pain when building to the point that I almost never used them, so the override for the Fun Fun Awning makes it so that the stripes line up properly when you place another Fun Fun awning next to it. This extends to my awning versions as well. I do plan on doing some other awnings and add-ons later, but I’m a bit awning-ed out for now. • Striped Fun Fun Awning mesh Override, 1x1, 2x1, Inner & Outer Corner • The Falutenous Awning 1×1 with Ends, 1x1 Left End, 1x1 Middle, 1x1 Right End, Innter & Outer Corner
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