Road To Romance
A complete overhaul of the romance & relationship systems, with many different new interactions, features, 2 new skills (romance & cheat), and a new mood (affectionate).

Roasted Rainbow Carrots
A simple and rustic meal. Multi-color carrots are roasted in the oven and and slightly caramelized to make this dish the ultimate comfort food for the vegetarian in all of us!

by LittleMsSam in Small mods
Roboticstable Faster Crafting For Higher Robotics Skill Level
Sims with higher Robotics Skill level will craft faster (Amount +1 for each Skill level). I also lowered the Chance for the Electrocuted Buff from Value 1 to 0.25

Rock Salt
This is a spice ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item via my Brazen Delivery service or they can craft it on my Mill appliance. Each sack can be separated into 8 spice bottles that can be used as an ingredient.

Sims can now reach the 10th level of rocketscience from reading the advanced skill book.

There are several packages that let you disable several role/job outfits by choice (e. g. maid, mailman, director, librarian, butler, nanny, ...). Just install what you want. If you want, you can download missing role npcs from the Gallery using #rollennpc.

Mod for rotational playstyle: When you have two teenagers who are either significant others or promised to each other, they will now be able to do some romance interactions when one of them ages up to young adult. Note: The kissing and make out animations are a little off (see picture), so there are addon packages to disable these for your teen-young adult couples.

Contains 4 freely combinable mods that enhance romantic relationships.
<strong>holdhands</strong> - Holding hands with another Sim may now result in surprisingly engaging reactions (first kiss, go steady and proposal by the target Sim, share big news), if your Sims are in the right mood.
<strong>confessattraction</strong> - obsolete
<strong>askifsinglefix</strong> - Promised teenage Sims will no longer pretend to be single.
<strong>ParenthoodGP</strong> - Parenthood GP is obviously required for this one. Unlocks the ask for future plans and deep personal conversation interactions during dates as between soulmates (and best friends).

Romantic Surprise Proposal Interactions (Beta)
This mod adds 3 interactions under the romantic pie menu: Caress Hand, Seated Propose and Surprise Propose.

by Caladriel in Social Interactions
Romantic Wishes
Adds 7 new interactions that can be found in the new Romantic Wishes menu in the Love Section.

Roommates will be less likely to flood dorms with meals. They'll also bring medium sized meals and different food dishes (no lobster). There's a second package that reduces the likelihood of roomates leaving garbage everywhere.

by LittleMsSam in Small mods
Roommates No Random Outfit Changing
Roommates with the Big Closet Quirk should not change into random Everyday Outfits anymore

by LittleMsSam in Small mods
Round Dining Tables Slot
Round Dining Tables (Laundry, Jungle Adv. DLCs) will now have a Food Slot in the middle of the Table
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