by LittleMsSam in Bug fixes
Pet To Pet Greeting/Be Nice Fix
+ Pets don't autonomously get in contact with other Pets they have never met beforeThe actual Pet to Pet Greeting Interaction is set to no autonomous which does not make sense if we actually can't play Pets. I really don't know if EA was knowing what they were doing but this does not make sense to me. I set it to autonomous. This Part will be a Work in Progress because only spending time playing the game will show how this autonomous Interaction will be used by Pets.+ If you ask them to be nice to another Pet they have never met nothing happensWhen you send your Dog to be nice to another Dog (which they've never met) a loot will be added via the Interaction BUT EA messed this up. Instead of giving the loot (add relationship Pet to Pet) to your Pet and the other Pet it is added to the Actor (the Sim themself) and your Pet. I changed the Loot so your Pet and the other Pet will get the Relationship added!

Pets will now be able to try for baby with other pets that aren't in the same household.

A fix for the bug that pets that ate the wellness-treat or got a preventative shot get an anxious moodlet over and over agein. Pets that already show that bug can be cured by another wellness-treat or a preventative shot. Wellness-Treats and prevantative shots will also be more effectvie.

by LittleMsSam in Small mods
Pets Longer Nap
Pets now sleep longer when they are napping. Default time was 45-60min. New Time is 180-240min unless they get woken up by someone/something.

by Andirz in Functional objects
Pharmacy Kiosk Mod
This is a simple object mod that adds a new object Pharmacy Kiosk to the game.

by MissyHissy in Tweaks
Phone Animation For Teens Only!
This mod disables the animation for all age groups other than teens; with this installed, only the teens will use the phone animations when walking.

Phone Call Overhaul
This mod makes phone calls less intrusive by adding extra conditions for them to go through.

Chatting and text messaging on the phone gives a higher friendship boost.

Disables playing video games on phones from being considered a group interaction.

Instead of athletic and sleepwear, you can now choose to dress your Sims up for family photos in hotweather clothing and winterwear. Please not that the pie menu does not change. After you put the mod out, locked photos will still stay as they were.

by LittleMsSam in Small mods
Photos Storageable
A Mod that makes Photos storageable in Storage Chests, Toy Boxes and Craft Sales Table

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Pick Up All Servings
Allows sims to pick up multiple servings from a cooked meal rather than one at a time

by NeedCoffee4That in Gameplay
Pickpoketing Mod
Adds a new skill to the game: Pickpocketing. Major skill with 10 Levels - the higher the skill, the higher the chances of success and money gain.

The pier attactions will no longer be available for free with this mod.

When your Sims are standing in front of the sink* in the morning, they might notice something odd: pimples! Teenagers (and on rare occasions older Sims as well) can get pimples with this mod. They are assigned a hidden moodlet which will last for a maximum of 24 hours. The time can be reduced if you do anti-stress activities (like yoga, shower). Sims will get pimples randomly, and based on their traits they will either be less ore more prone to get pimples. Some Sims might even suffer from severe acne, while Sims with the reward trait "great kisser" will never get acne, so buy this reward trait if you want to spare some Sims.
Also based on their traits (and some randomness), Sims will get a 2 hour lasting embarrassed moodlet when they notice the pimples. Other Sims will not be affected by pimples that much.
Your Sims can get rid of their pimples by taking medicine, herbal remedies (deodorant) or a cup of green tea resp. Lemon Honey Ginger tea. Their parents might also chose to share detoxation secrets with them or help them to relax (the latter interaction will only remove the embarassed moodlet, though). Gussy up at the mirror might also help if your Sim is lucky.
Sims who are relaxed and well kept will not get pimples. So share relaxing techniques will also help your Sims to provide for not getting pimples.
*I linked the moodlets of this mod to the wash hands interaction, so this mod will be incompatible with "nowashhands"-mods. It will also not work if you are cheating to keep your Sims´ motives permanently high.

by Pandasama in Functional objects
Pinata + Clown Un A Box Toys For Toddlers & Children
Adds a pinata + a clown in a box for your toddlers & childrens.
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