Buyable Food
Allows you to buy food directly from the catalog or via the food synthetiser

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Call A Babysitter
You can now call a Babysitter via the Phone (Household Menu).

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Calm Bees
This small Mod adds a new “Calm Bees” Interaction to the Bee Box

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Can I Come Over
Want to visit a Friend but you can’t remember where they lived? Too lazy to search all Worlds for their Lot? Send them a Text and you may will get a text back to go and visit them with just a click.

Canning Preservation - New Preserves - Add On 3
New craftables for the Canning - Preservation Station
This mod adds 16 new:
1. Preserves
2. Breads with preserves
3. Bulk Boxes

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Canning Skill
This mod introduces a new Canning skill to the game. Sims will gradually acquire the ability to can increasingly complex items, starting with simple jams and progressing to complete meals and rare jams! Sims who reach the maximum level of this skill can sell their canned products to the Fresh Farms Co-op and earn a substantial profit!

by Carls Guide in Gameplay
Carl Collectibles Ready
Makes all plants instantly grow to blossoming (the stage where fruit spawns) they are first created by the game. This means that when you visit a new area the plants will be ripe for the picking. When you revisit a lot, if it's been at least 24h, the wild plants will be sure to spawn their fruit as well.

by Carls Guide in Gameplay
Carl'S Real Estate Mod
The mod's goal is to allow you to purchase nearly all non-residential lots and build them up using your own household funds. Players can pursue a new aspiration that is challenging and meant to be completed over the long term.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Carryable Performance Stage Plus Sing Songs!
Overrides the object tuning for the two perfomance stages which makes them carryable.

Cercles De L'Enfer 😈
Do you dare abandon yourself to visit these 9 circles? 27 random buffs to make the mod less repetitive

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Change Outfit Via Closets, Coat Rack & Wardrobe
This little tuning mod adds the “change outfit” interaction for closets.

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Cheesemaking Skill
This mod adds a new Cheesemaking skill to the game along with a bunch of new ingredients and ingredient recipes. Sims will learn how to curdle milk, make fresh cheeses, and make and cure cheese wheels. Maxxing out this skill will give sims a buff whenever they eat cheese or a cheese-based dish!

by YourFalseHope in Gameplay
Cherished Moments - Pregnancy
Adds 15+ different Moodlets that can occur during appropriate & realistic pregnancy trimesters.

by YourFalseHope in Gameplay
Cherished Moments - Toddler
This trait/mod will add social interactions and new moodlets based on interactions the Parent has with their children and a few Extras.

Child Birth Mod
Complete overhaul of the pregnancy & child birth system. From the pregnancy test, to the labor your Sim will live a complete new experience.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Choose Who You Call To Meal
This tuning mod lets you choose who you want to call to Meal and if you want to eat too or not.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Choose Your Helmet
This Mod lets you individually choose one of the Helmets, choose to wear no Helmet or use the default random Helmet for each Sim.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
This Mod let’s you add Cleaning Schedules via the Parenthood Bulletin Board.

by Simsonian Library in Gameplay
Classic Rpg Spells
The Classic RPG Spells collection contains a selection of 17 Sims 4 spells inspired by old school role playing games, with an emphasis on making them useful in-game in one way or another.

by Chingyu1023 in Gameplay
Compatibility Intensity Overrides
This globally adjusts the Social Compatibility intensity from the Growing Together pack, offering 3 flavors.

by Wickedpixxel in Gameplay
Conversation Starters
Small social interaction mod adds a new social menu, Conversation Starters.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Cooler Are Cooling
Changed the Inventory Type so Coolers are now cooling too!

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Core Crafting
This is the foundation of all Brazen Lots Crafting mods. It has resources that are shared across multiple crafting mods and it keeps them from becoming bloated with duplicate items. It also allows you to download all my other content in a modular fashion, giving you more control of the size of your downloads folder.

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Core Crafting Modules
These are various modules that alter items in the game so that it works with and compliments my crafting recipes and mods.

by Brazenlotus in Gameplay
Core Food And Drink
This is the foundation for all my Food & Drink mods. It has resources that are shared across multiple Food & Drink mods and it keeps them from becoming bloated with duplicate items.
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