by Mercuryfoam in Gameplay
Martial Arts Mini Mod - Capoeira Skill
Sims can now get fit and lean by learning the unique Brazilian martial art that combines self-defense, dance, acrobatics, music and song.

by MercuryFoam in Gameplay
Martial Arts Mod
Experience the revival of this cherished skill from The Sims 3! Embark on a journey of martial arts mastery as you cultivate a Sim skilled in the ancient discipline, don traditional Gis, and engage in exhilarating sparring matches.

by Chingyu1023 in Gameplay
Max Skills With Reward Store
Max base game and packs skills using the reward store. An additional way to spend your Sims' excess Satisfaction Points.

by MC Command Center in Gameplay
Mc Command Center
The MC Command center is a modular mod that allow you to enhance your ingame experience and to control almost everything in your city. 15 modules are available by default: career, cas, cheats, cleaner, clubs, controler, dresser, gedcom, occult, population, pregnancy, tuner, automation scan & mc woohoo.

by MC Command Center in Gameplay
Mc Woohoo
Separated module of the MC Command Center, MC Whoohoo handles romantic interactions between the controlled Sim and other sims.

Memory Panel: A Mod For Lifelong Memories
Records the First Times your sims experience something big, and remains for their entire life. Think of it as a ‘list of major things Sim has ever done / lived‘ that can also show with whom, grant special moodlets and relationship statuses, and a bit more!

by Simularity in Gameplay
Mental Health Medications
This mod contains three medications to help with Simularity mental illness traits. Bonus, they help with all other such traits as well!

Mental Wellness
This mod adds mental health to Sims 4. Sims can now be diagnosed with disorders such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. They can also take medication to treat their disorders.

by SimsonianLibrary in Gameplay
Mine Crafting
Mine Crafting enables your sim to build mines and extract either metals or crystals from them. It adds the Mineralogy skill that allows your sim to smelt valuable purified metal ingots from several pieces of metal at the Mineral Smelting Station, as well as cut gems from crystals on the Archaeology table.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Miscarriage Chance & Abortion
With this Mod it is possible for pregnant Sims to wake up with Cramps and Pain or when they are really tired and hungry. With the Abortion Option (can be used as Standalone) you can send your pregnant Sims to the Hospital to get an Abortion!

Miscarriages As A Standalone Mod
With this mod your Sim wil have a percentage of change to miscarriage or to have an ectopic pregnancy.

Mood Pack Mod
A requirement for many other mods. This mod adds 34 new moods to the game.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
More Buyable Venues And New Venue Types
This tuning mod lets you buy more Venues and adds new Venue Types to the Game.

by Littlbowbub in Gameplay
More Cafe Foods - Override Gt Add On
Adds more cafe food: a bunch of grannies cookbook recipes, the hot drinks from Littlbowbub's drinks machine and some of the ea foods from base game and expansions.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
More Servings Options & Better Mealtime Menus
Adds more Servings Options 2, 3, 5, 6. & 7

by RubberBand in Gameplay
More Terrifying Alien Pregnancy
This mod changes alien pregnancy to be more terrifying. I

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
More Woodworks
Adds a new Craft Furniture to the Woodworking Table which lists new “woody looking” Furniture to be craftable.

Adds some vegetables, herbs et al. EA forgot to the grocery stand.

by Sim Realist in Gameplay
Introduce the realities of death to the game in a way the Sims has never touched on because it is not a positive experience.

by Needcoffee4that in Gameplay
Murder & Mayhem Part One: Angel Of Death
Brings the Angel of Death, known in the true crime world as medical professionals who murder their patients for no reason other than to exert control and dominance over the subjects that they have taken an oath to protect.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
My Pets
It let’s you basically have Cats, Dogs and Horses without them being added to your Household.

Naruto Ninjutsu Mod
This mod adds Naruto-style jutsu to The Sims 4. It is still in beta, but it is already very complete.

by LittleMsSam in Gameplay
New Precious Treasures
Adds new precious treasures to the rewards when sims are digging with a treasure map

by LittleRedSonja in Gameplay
New Spell: Alakazam!
Cast Alakazam! anywhere to spawn a cute and friendly rabbit.

by LittleRedSonja in Gameplay
New Spell: Baba Yaga!
Cast “Baba Yaga” on yourself to adopt the Baba Yaga shape. Nearby sims will panic. They are not scared enough? A new interaction can be used on other sims to scare them even more!

by LittleRedSonja in Gameplay
New Spell: Dementor’S Kiss
Cast Dementor’s Kiss on a sim to consume a part of its Soul. The sim in question will get older and become a bit “spectral” for 24 hours, while your witch will recover a few days of life and lose a few wrinkles.

by LittleRedSonja in Gameplay
New Spell: Dioskouroi
Cast “Dioskouroi” on another sim to create a Dioskouroi (a more sophisticated clone).

by LittleRedSonja in Gameplay
New Spell: Electrokinesis
You can also use Electrokinesis against your enemies. Cast “Witch Bolt” on another sim to fry it. You can cast “Arcane Voltage” on your sim to generate power on any lot, allowing you to use TV, fridge, lamps and any other muggle device without problems even when off-the-grid. Higher level witches will generate more power.
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