Greater Bonus Traits
Higher the effects of EA Bonus Traits from choosing aspirations.

Green Thumb Trait
Sims with the Green Thumb trait excel at gardening both at home and as a career. They not only learn gardening quickly, but they have lots of fun doing it and even have extra bursts of energy just so they can get in some extra gardening before the day is over. They also excel at other botany related skills such as flower arranging and herbalism. It’s not all sunshine and roses for a Green Thumb but if you want to work with plants in any significant way, then this is the trait for you!

Happy Go Lucky Trait For Dogs
I was browsing The Sims 4 Community Facebook Group the other day when I came upon a thread talking about how difficult it can be to take care of pets in the Sims 4. Several people asked if there was a mod that made pets easier to take care of and happy all the time. Well, here is my mod for that! This doesn’t make them happy all the time, but most of the time. They’ll never get sad, but they might still get scared and tense. Luckily, all those negative moods/buffs go away five times faster with this trait. Also, Happy Go Lucky doggies never run away!

Helaene Preferencesplus
This mod provides dozens of new preferences (hobbies, interests, venues, outfits, personal, food types, drinks and flavors). These new preference traits can be added in CAS using the new likes/dislikes system. Preferences have a variety of gameplay effects including autonomy changes, whims, social interactions, computer interactions and moodlets.

Homemaker Trait
This trait is dedicated to all the wonderful homemakers out there like my mom who partially inspired me to create this trait. Homemakers learn domestic skills faster than anyone and make excellent parents. However, they may feel stressed being away from home for too long and progress very poorly in careers that take place outside of the home.
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