Fixes the EA bug that lets only the victim of a mean social apologize instead of the Sim beeing mean.

Adds more choices to add fish to aquariums. You can buy any fish you desire from those aquariums that can stock 6 fishes.

Your Sims can now contact an investor by phone to come over. They can then ask for a loan. The small loan option will actually charge your Sim with a 20.000 § debt and is thus suitable if you want to have your Sim "pay" for the money the game gave them as a start budget. The large loan option will grant your Sim a loan of 30.000 §. Interest is 15 % on both types of loans. You can have multiple loans at the same time. Payment, RepoMan Appearance and such is the same as with the University student loans.
<strong>Requires: Discover University and City Living</strong>
<strong>Compatibility Notes:</strong> Overwrites the ask for loan options your Sim get when they have a high Charisma skill. Existing loans can be paid back despite the mod being installed. Also overwrites the invite Jasmine Holiday phone interaction (if there should ever be another challenge with Jasmine, just take the mod out as long as you wish to participate. Loans will still function if you take the mod out, you just cannot ask for new loans then.

Adds more animations for the interactions "Ask to leave" and "Invite in".
<strong>Version 1</strong> is Base Game compatible.
<strong>Version 2</strong> requires the Expansion Packs Get Together and Parenthood.
Only install 1 version.

NPC Sims will now do a wider range of interactions autonomously when you visit a beach lot.

Sims will autonomously ask other sims to become their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Sims autonomously use the espresso bar on community lots (retail, park, museum, pool, library, artscenter, spa, chalet gardens) if a barista is present.

Makes share big news an autonomous interaction. Sims will be able to share big news if they have the positive moodlet from learning about a pregnancy. Works best in coordination with my familymatters-Mod.

Sims will only use the slippy slide autonomously if it is hot outside.

Sims will autonomously receive wedding rings after marriage (or vow renewal). Female sims will autonomously receive engagement rings.

Adds new away actions for skills that have been forgotten by EA (including some hidden ones and all toddler skills). Also adds an option to do homework (also for University) from off lot.
Sims will also fulfill their daily career task when told to level a skill that is crucial for their job (like writing for writers, all instruments + singing and comedy for the entertainer career, mixing + baking + cooking and gourmet cooking for the culinary career ...).

by MizoreYukii in Tweaks
Bad Grades Are Ok
The social worker will no longer take children with bad grades away from their families.

Adds new menues to banquet tables (including the festival banquet tables): Brunch, Gourmet, Spooky and Vegetarian.

Sims will autonomously sing karaoke at regular bars. Sims will also behave less inappropriate when at bar and club venues.

Changes the barnight visitors to wear Get Famous and other costumes. There are 5 packages which can be used separately:
<strong>bear</strong> - all kinds of costumes, mainly teens visiting, no more bears
<strong>single</strong> - couple themed (mainly Victorian) costumes
<strong>ghost</strong> - ghostly costumes like reaper, zombie and such
<strong>alien</strong> - alien costumes, including Star Wars, only geeks visiting in costumes, no actual aliens
<strong>knight</strong> - knight and medieval costumes

All BBQ meals do now count towards the BBQ holiday tradition.

Sims will like wear a pirate or princess costume instead of the bear costume when they are in the bear childhood phase, the can use the self interaction "wear costume". Also, the sad moodlet for not wearing their costume is gone with <strong>version 1</strong> / reduced to 1 with <strong>version 2</strong>.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786"><strong>Note:</strong> EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.

Adds more outfits for your bride and groom to autonomously change into at weddings. Cannot be used with <strong>MyWeddingStories</strong> weddings.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786"><strong>Note:</strong> EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.

by Lotharihoe in Tweaks
Better Ball Fights
This mod is an attempt at making snowball, mud and water balloon fights more dynamic.
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