Sims will only choose to autonomously put a toddler out of the highchair if the toddler already has the hidden 'left behind in highchair' buff. This should make it easier for your toddler to finish their meal before they are taken out by the next fool.
Please note that high chair interactions are also heavily triggered by the check on toddler interactions. So for best results, you should absolutely consider to install my <strong>lessautonomouscheckontoddler</strong> mod in addition to this one.

Higher Acting Gig Payouts & Royalty Payments
This mod tackles the issue that the actor career makes very little money vs. other money-making activities such as painting and gardening.

by Chingyu1023 in Tweaks
Higher Cas Story Skills
This small tuning edit makes the CAS story gives levels 3 and 5 skills, instead of the original levels 2 and 3.

Hiking in Granite Falls will increase herbalism skill.

Sims will no longer be obsessed with taking selfies while hiking.

Sims will no longer get attacked by critters during hiking trails.

by LittleMsSam in Tweaks
Hired Employees Earn Money (Vet, Retail, Restaurant)
Hired Employees (Vet, Retail, Restaurant) earn Money

Toddlers will be able to fulfil the father winter tradition again and will receive more appropriate gifts. Also fixes the canned jar gift sentiment.

Preferences and lifestyles will now have an effect on whether your Sims cares for a certain holiday tradition or not.

Ice cream will be decorated (garnish/topping) by default. Especially useful for restaurants.

Sims can immediately activate and deactivate utility bots as long as they are placed on the ground.

Your Sims can now assign tasks to their retail employees without having to go and talk to them first.

All thermostat interaction have immediate effect with this mod and can be done by children and toddlers as well.
If you use <strong>version 2</strong>, the thermostat will work even if power is turned off because your Sims haven't paid the bills

by LittleMsSam in Tweaks
Improved Meditation Stool
Small tuning mod which adds two more options to the meditation stool pie menu.
- Short meditation: Meditating takes between 45 – 60 minutes (default time ~4hrs) and it may help to get rid of negative moods (sad, angry, stressed)
- Middle meditation: Meditating takes between 60 – 120 minutes (default time ~4hrs) and it may help to get focused

The negative buffs Sims get from not having a group meeting will be instantly removed by starting one.

Sims can change the card table from cards to the lama game and back instantly.

by Lotharihoe in Tweaks
Intense Fires
This increases the chance for a fire to start on all interactions that apply, including passive fires like those from a fireplace.

Sims do no longer have to be in the business career to invest. The also can invest larger sums (2.500, 10.000 und 50.000).

Your celebritys will no longer wear a hat and sunglasses when you disguise them.

Sims will not get constantly confident when with their familiar. There is a second version of this mod which will turn the moodlet into a happy moodlet. Only install one version.

by MizoreYukii in Tweaks
Island Event Notifications Enabled
Tired of missing out on the Island events because no one called you? Now you'll get notifications when one of the following Island events start:
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