par NateTheL0ser in Gameplay
Postpartum Depression
Ce module augmente le risque de dépression post-partum chez les parents après la naissance d'un enfant.

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Potty Talk All-In-One Bathroom
These are essentially rabbit hole bathrooms. You can place them almost anywhere and your sims will be able to use them to relieve their bladder, hygiene, and even woohoo! Useable by all ages.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Prefer Leftover
Sims don't auto cook if food is in the fridge and instead prefer to eat the leftover. Keep in mind if you use my "No Auto Food Grab" Mod: That Mod will stop Sims from getting leftover autonomously when the "prevent buff" is active (The Autofill Button in the UI is autonomous behaviour as well). If that is the case you need to manually send them to get leftover."

par Helaene in Personalité & Génération
Preference Bomb (Autoadd For Prefplus)
As soon as you load the game or exit CAS, etc all Sims in your game will have preferences intelligently applied (if they don't already have a like and/or dislike in that category). It shouldn't overwrite any existing preferences that are set.

When your Sims do something they like, their fun bar will increase 50 % slower with this mod.

par Helaene in Personalité & Génération
This mod provides dozens of new preferences (hobbies, interests, venues, outfits, personal, food types, drinks and flavors). These new preference traits can be added in CAS using the new likes/dislikes system. Preferences have a variety of gameplay effects including autonomy changes, whims, social interactions, computer interactions and moodlets.

Pregnancy Cravings
Il existe actuellement 13 envies différentes que votre sim peut avoir. Elles surviennent de manière aléatoire tout au long de la grossesse. Les sims ne peuvent pas avoir la même envie plus d'une fois.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Pregnancy Overhaul
Ce mod modifie quelques éléments de la grossesse des Sims (taille du ventre, style de marche, etc.)

Gets rid of almost all of the restrictions for pregnant Sims, except for using hot tubs.

Disables the pregnant walkstyle for the second trimester.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Preserving Rack
A recipe for the woodworking that can be used as an ingredient in curing and drying preserving recipes. If your sim uses ingredients to make this it will reduce the cost of crafting this to 0.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Preserving Tray
This is a preserving tray that can be purchased or crafted on the Woodworking Table using optional construction ingredients. It can be made used as an ingredient in my other food / crafting recipes. If your sim uses construction supplies to craft this it will significantly reduce the crafting cost.

par Adeepindigo in Gameplay
Preteen Mod
Originallement créé par ItsKatato, ce mod ajoute du gameplay autour de la préadolescence.

par NateTheL0ser in Gameplay
Preventable Diseases
Vous pouvez rendre les sims malades et immunisés en utilisant le menu Maladies évitables dans le menu de triche lorsque vous cliquez sur un sim. Vous pouvez même réinitialiser l'immunité si nécessaire. Ce mod est scripté avec un trait global pour l'automatisation dans le gameplay normal.
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