Sims will no longer sing in showers as a group interaction.

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Sip Back And Relax Functional Bar Cart
Why leave your simmie's house you spent hours building when you can enjoy some sweet nectar inside that gorg home? This bar cart set makes that all possible while keeping within a small footprint and offering plenty of space to display all the clutter your sim has hoarded! The main feature of the set is the –FULLY FUNCTIONAL– bar cart that comes in 3 color options to fit any decor. Included in the set is plenty of decor items including a garland sized perfectly to be displayed on the front of the bar cart. The garland is also offered as a wall-mounted version that can be tiled seamlessly to cover large walls. Wine bottles and a super cute book set complete the set. Please see the individual object pages for more information on how to use the items!

Sims will sit at weddings. They will no longer dance while watching the ceremony.

Les Sims seront plus susceptibles de s'asseoir lors d'un événement salon, e. g. L'événement Starlight.

Tired of situational outfits? Try this mod.
Note: If you are also seeking to get rid of role outfits, take a look at my <strong>roleoutfitdisabled_bychoice</strong> mod.
<strong>base:</strong> This is the base of the mod. Install this at any rate. All other modules are optional.
<strong>blossomfestival:</strong> 3 Versions. Only install one! With version 1, Sims will wear formal wear at the blossom festival except for the crazy teen who will wear party wear. No more randomly generated clothes at the festival (except for the festival shirts). Vers. 2: Adds a new dress code for the Romance festival. Sims will wear light colours (white, pink, blue and yellow) and prefer floral patterns. With version 3 visitors of the romance festival will also wear the romantic costumes from the Get Famous Expansion.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786">Note for version 2 and 3: EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.
<strong>flowerfestival:</strong> 2 Versions. Only install one! One version disables situational clothing for Sims at the Flower and Music Festival that akes placy in Sulani every Tuesday, while the other version will only change those outfits to be more fitting.
<strong>nerdfestival:</strong> 2 Versions. Only install one! The base game version only deletes corrupted costumes while the other one also adds new costumes from Get Famous and the free Holiday Pack.
<strong>raccoon:</strong> 2 Versions. Only install one! No more Sims in raccoon (trash panda) costumes will be seen in San Myshuno. One version replaces these outfits with outfits with kind of punk outfits.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786">Note: EA clothing that has been assigned for use with the punk version of mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.
<strong>tourist:</strong> 2 Versions. Only install one! Prevents townies in SanMyshuno from wearing the tourist outfit. They´ll wear their everyday outfit instead.
Version 2 leaves the tourist outfit, but disables the hideous socks and hats.
<strong>walkbyrain:</strong> 2 Versions. Only install one! Sims walking by won't wear ridiculous outfit combinations when it's raining anymore. With version 2 Sims will actually choose boots and a raincoat. Please note that version two will as a side effect have nannys wear their everyday outfit instead of the nanny outfit. <img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786">Another note for version 2: EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.
<strong>spellcasters:</strong> 2 versions. Only install one! Choose between everyday our partyoutfits for spellcasters instead of situational outfits.
<strong>sages:</strong> 2 versions. Only install one! Choose between everyday our partyoutfits for sages instead of situational outfits
<strong>holidaytraditionwalkby:</strong> Walkbys will no longer be spawned in situational outfits due to holiday traditions.
<strong>islanders:</strong> Islanders in Sulani will no longer be spawned in situational outfits.
<strong>lampfestival:</strong> Dark siders will wear party wear at the lamp festival, Light siders will wear formal wear. No more randomly generated clothes at the festival (except for the festival shirts).
<strong>nocurrycontestshirt:</strong> Sims will no longer autonomously choose to wear the curry contest shirt when winning the curry contest.
<strong>summitlocal:</strong> The local townies of Mt. Komorebi will not longer wear situational outfits (except for the Kimonos at the light festival)
<strong>campingforest:</strong> Sims will wear their choosen athletic outfit instead of situational ones when they're spawned in Granite Falls.
<strong>collegeorganisations:</strong> No situational outfits for college organisations.
<strong>DUstudentcommons:</strong> No situational outfits in the student commons.
<strong>festivalshirts:</strong> Sims will no longer autonomously wear festival shirts.
<strong>parksleeper:</strong> Deactivates the weird park slepper situational outfit that somewhat looks like a painter.
<strong>weirdos:</strong> Removes the situational clothing for the so called CityLiving weirdos, that like to troll San Myshuno in their bathrobes, wrestling masks and other weird suits.
<strong>foodfestival:</strong> Sims will wear partywear instead of situational outfits during food festival.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Skate Everywhere
Ce mod permet de faire du roller partout comme du jogging ou de la marche.

This small mod replaces the surprise battle royale and prank holiday by the suprise skill holiday.

par ClaudiaSharon in Tweaks
Skilled Pc Mod (Ts4)
Allows your Sims to learn new skills on their computer

par MizoreYukii in Poses
Skip Cas Stories
This mod skips the CAS Stories popup that first appears when entering CAS from "New Game" and instead takes you straight to the editor.

par LittleMsSam in Tweaks
Sleep All Night
Ce Mods de réglage empêche un Sim de se réveiller parce que son besoin d'énergie est plein.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Sleep In
Ce module permet à vos enfants/adolescents de dormir pendant les week-ends et les vacances scolaires/jours de congé.

Sleep Overhaul Mod
Sleep Overhaul Mod currently adds a Sleepy Head Trait for sims who want to experience an active dream life. Sims will have emotional dreams based on their trait.

Sims will only walk sleepy if they are extremely tired. On addition, <strong>version 2</strong> adds dark eyebags to your Sims when they are extremly tired.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Sliced Honeydew Melon
I made this because the actual honeydew melon harvestable is inedible. It just made more sense to me to need to slice it first. This custom food also has a chance of giving a buff when eaten.

Slick Manipulator Trait
This mod adds a new trait, buff, social interaction, and statistic increases. Primary purpose is to instantly make friends for the purpose of selling them drugs through the Basmental Drugs mod, or having sex partners with the Wicked Whims mod.

par Mercuryfoam in Social Interactions
Slow Dance For Kids Mod
Ajoute une nouvelle animation & interaction permettant aux enfants de danser un slow.
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