Srsly'S Complete Cooking Overhaul
Ce mod revoit intégralement la cuisine dans les Sims afin de la rendre plus réaliste et interactive. Ce mod étend les recettes, en ajoute de nouvelles, des ingrédients personnalisés et vous permet même de vous rendre à l'épicerie.

par Lotharihoe in Gameplay
Sso - Sim Spawn Overhaul
Vous n'avez jamais trouvé bizarre que Bella Goth aille de Willow Creek jusqu'à Sulani pour son jogging matinal ? Ce mod a pour but de corriger ces bizarreries et bien d'autres encore en modifiant la façon dont le jeu génère les Sims dans diverses situations !

Stereos | Retro Station Enabled
Juste une petite "correction" pour que les Retro Stations soient maintenant activées.

par LittleMsSam in Correctifs de bugs
Stereowall Channel Metal Sync Fix
Normal Stereos and synced Lot Stereos have their own Audio Configuration File but they only added the normal one for the public Stereo Wall Speaker Metal. I checked all Audio Configuration Files in the SP17 Files and i could only find one which has the same samples, so i added this to the StereoWall Channel Metal instead. It looks like this let's all public Metal Wall Stereos play the same sample now.

par Bosselady TV in Tweaks
Stop Being So Mean
Do you have the "Mean Glitch"? I do, and I'm tired of it!

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Stop Change Phone Color Obsession
This Mod stops Sims from changing their Phone Color each time they travel or a Household gets loaded unless they do indeed have the default Phone Color. I also removed the camera focus code.

par LittleMsSam in Poses
Stop Eating Spoiled Food Fix
I edited the Freshness Spoiled Object State for the Fix to disable all eating interactions when food/drinks are spoiled so your Sims should not be able to eat spoiled Food anymore. If the Food gets spoiled while they are eating already it might not work then. Cleaning & Debug Cheats should still work fine.

With this mod, Sims that aren't gluttons will stop eating as soon as they are fed up - just like it was in the Sims 2. I recommend to use the grandmeal module in combination with my moregrandmeals_tradionstweak. Otherwise, your Sims will not fulfill the grand meal tradition when they don't finish their plates.

Storage Wars - Functional Business Mod
This mod adds a functional business you can operate on your residential lot. Includes custom content boxes and a Cardboard Auction Table.

par Brazenlotus in Objets fonctionnels
Store Your Seed Jars
Can store seeds jars & fertilizer to be stored in both storage chests & dorm storage chests Can store seed jars & fertilizer in craft sales table (yard sale table) as well

par Brazenlotus in Objets fonctionnels
Store Your Wedding Bouquets
This is a small mod that overrides the wedding bouquets in the game so that you can store them in more places than just your sim's inventory.
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