par MissyHissy in Gameplay
The Hopes & Fears Mod
Le mod Espoirs & Peurs révise les souhaits pour les Traits, les Aspirations, les Carrières, les Compétences et plus encore en ajoutant de nouveaux désirs. Il ajoute également de nouvelles Peurs que vos Sims peuvent développer suite à certaines situations (le développement d'une Peur n'est pas une garantie ; en d'autres termes, tous les Sims ne développeront pas une Peur). Il révise également les peurs existantes.

par Srlsysims in Objets fonctionnels
The Juice-O-Matic (Functional Juicer)
Ajoute un extracteur de jus fonctionnel.

The Milestone Mod
This mods adds custom milestones to the game

The Sims 1 And 2 Font Replacements
Mod that replaces all of the fonts in the game with the main fonts of TS1 and TS2!

par Simsmodelsimmer in Petits mods
The Sims 4 - Custom Radio Stations
Thanks to a mod and program by SashaT1804, we can now have custom radio stations! The stations below pull from previous stations in the Sims 1, 2, and 3.

The Sorcerer'S Apprentice
Are you a wizard with too many chores around the house to have enough time for wizarding? Try the new Sorcerer's Apprentice! Let it take care of your mundane cleaning, repairing and gardening needs while you spend your time stirring the cauldron.

When the thermostat is on, Sims will change from their coldweather outfits to everyday inside. When its hot outside and the thermostat is cooling, sims change from hotweather outfit to everyday when inside. Sims will also change from hot weather outfit into their everyday outfit when feeling chilled outside. Sims will now also change from coldweather wear to everyday if they enter a room with a lit fireplace.

Sims will be less thirsty. Only plant sims will take glasses of water from the sink. Only Sims with maxed mixology skill will autonomously start crafting drinks at the bar.

When your sims drink festival tea, they will get an energy boost which helps them to stay longer at the festival.
par Serra (xosdr) in Gameplay
Thrift Store Overhaul
Vous avez toujours voulu pouvoir acheter des vêtements et les débloquer dans le CAS après les avoir achetés ? Eh bien, ce mod est parfait pour vous !

par Littlbowbub in Gameplay
Thriftea ~ Bubble Tea Counter Override
Commandez et créez d'autres saveurs de Bubble Teas. Options sans lactose. Prix plus élevés : 20 euros à l'achat, 10 euros à la préparation. Utilise l'animation de dégustation

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
A musky herb with small purple flowers. The fragrant leaves of this plant may provide a small boost of inspiration to Sims with the gourmet cooking skill as well as a focused boost for Sims with the gardening skill. That fragrance repels bugs so strongly that bug infestations on nearby plants and beeboxes will disappear! This plant will attract also attract bees. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

par LittleMsSam in Lots traits
Tiny Living Lot Traits Enabled
Enabled the hidden Lot Traits and adds their features as hidden Buffs instead of the original visible Tiny Home Buffs so you can use them on other Lots as well.

par NateTheL0ser in Gameplay
Tiny Mod - Fear Dark In The Dark
Ce mod ajoute un test aux buffs de peur pour vérifier qu'ils ont bien le trait ET que c'est entre 22h et 4h du matin, vous savez, quand il fait vraiment nuit.

Tiny Mod: Browse Art Autonomy
This mod restricts autonomous Browse Art interaction on the computer to only Sims with the following traits: creative, art lover, likes painting, likes museum

par Helaene in Petits mods
Tiny Mod: Cosplayers Can Wear Costumes Any Time
Now Sims with the Geek trait and Sims who 'Like Costumes' (PreferencesPlus) can change into costumes any time, not just on holidays!

par Helaene in Personalité & Génération
Tiny Mod: Shared Trait Social Impact
This override mod makes most Friendly, Funny and Romantic interactions more likely to fail between Sims with conflicting personality traits and/or preferences, and more likely to succeed for Sims with shared personality traits and/or preferences. It complements PreferencesPlus but that mod is NOT required to use this one.
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