par Helaene in Petits mods
Tiny Mod: Wedding Tweaks
"Ask to be" ringbearer, flower spreader, officiant etc now require the Actor Sim to actually be engaged (imagine that...), and at least a relationship of 10 with the Target Sim.

Makes the fine moodlets connected to tiny houses invisible.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
A food cc recipe for the classic Italian dessert, Tiramisu. This is just a simple recipe that uses several custom ingredients that include mascarpone cheese and ladyfinger cookies.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Toddler Ask For Food | No Junk Food
Ce mod modifie la nourriture que les Sims donneront aux enfants en bas âge lorsqu'ils demanderont de la nourriture.

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Toddler Changing Table
Ajoute une table à langer fonctionnelle pour vos bambins.

par MissyHissy in Social Interactions
Toddler Conversation Expander
Ads more conversation for toddlers

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Toddler Creativity Pack
Ajoute 3 objets fonctionnels pour vos bambins: un xylophone, un kit de dessins & une table d'activités manuelles.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Toddler Don'T Go To Daycare
Via Computer & Tablets you find new Options to add/remove a hidden Trait to Toddlers. Toddler with this Trait added will not go to Daycare. It will prevent them to go into the Rabbithole. Be aware the Daycare System is deeper coded so you will still get the Message to choose to hire a Nanny or send them to Daycare as well as all the Notification when they "leave" and "come back". Just click on Send to Daycare. Their Household Potrait will also be greyed out but you can still control them etc. I highly recommend to make sure someone is on the Lot to take care of them like a non Household Family Member or Babysitter. I will not be responsible if something happens if you let them be alone completely! (Does not work with Babies yet). "

par Caladriel in Events & Traditions
Toddler First Birthday Party Event
Adds a new event to celebrate toddler first birthday party.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Toddler Play In Ocean With Seashell (Instead Of A Duck)
Instead of the Duck Toddler will play with Seashells they find when playing in the Ocean

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Toddler Play Telephone
Ajoute un téléphone jouet fonctionnel pour vos bambins.

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Toddler Play Tunnel + Makeup Kit
Ajoute un tunnel de jeu et un kit de maquillage fonctionnels pour vos bambins

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Toddler Stuff Mod Pack
Ajoute 4 objets fonctionnels pour vos bambins : un cheval à bascule, un panier de basket, une balançoire & un matelas au sol.

Toddler Traits Pack
Un total de 20 traits personnalisés exclusifs à l'âge du bambin.

Fixes a bug where toddlers cannot talk to other Sims they have not yet met.

Replaces the toy duck with a crab toy ball for the kiddie pool (Cats & Dogs EP required) and a sea shell for the ocean.
There's a separate file for each.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Tomato Soup
A comforting and flavorful blend of tomatoes, herbs, and spices. It has a smooth and velvety texture with a slightly tangy taste that is both savory and satisfying. This ingredient can be purchased via my Brazen Delivery service. If you'd like to craft this you'll also need to install the Canning Skill from the 'Optional' section below.
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