par LittleMsSam in Correctifs de bugs
Aspiration Fix
Which changes the “do xyz in x hrs” into “do xyz x times”. For example “Read to Child for 2 hours” is now “Read to Child 2 times”. I did not change the Text though. Not all people have this Issue and get LastException Errors but a lot. So if you are one who have it, you can use this Fix to prevent the Error or to fix saves which already have this Error.

Asthmatic Trait
This mod adds the chronic condition Asthma. Your Sim will randomly experience coughing or sneezing which will trigger an Asthma attack. When you have an attack click on your Sim to use the inhaler interaction or anti-inflammatory medicine interactions. Both will remove the ashtma attack buff and give your sim relief.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Auto Brush Teeth (After Puking)Optional Addons:
Sims will auto Brush their Teeth after they have puked. Sims will get a Buff with a autonomous Behaviour to Brush their Teeth. Only works if Autonomy is enabled. I added a Toggle Option to Sinks to disallow Brush Teeth.- After Eating too - If you add the Eating Addon they will also Brush their Teeth after Eating.- Disable Toggle Options: which prevents the "Allow/Disallow Brush Teeth" Interactions to be added ingame- Disabled Brush Teeth Sinks Will Allow Wash Dishes Only - Sims will only wash Dishes in Sinks where the Brush Teeth is disabled via my Interaction. If you allow Brush Teeth in Bathrooms but disallow in Kitchen they will only use the Kitchen Sink(s) to wash dishes then
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