Adds new menues to banquet tables (including the festival banquet tables): Brunch, Gourmet, Spooky and Vegetarian.

Les Sims feront des karaokés de manière autonome dans les bars.

Changes the barnight visitors to wear Get Famous and other costumes. There are 5 packages which can be used separately:
<strong>bear</strong> - all kinds of costumes, mainly teens visiting, no more bears
<strong>single</strong> - couple themed (mainly Victorian) costumes
<strong>ghost</strong> - ghostly costumes like reaper, zombie and such
<strong>alien</strong> - alien costumes, including Star Wars, only geeks visiting in costumes, no actual aliens
<strong>knight</strong> - knight and medieval costumes

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Basil-Lemon Crab Linguine
A pasta recipe made by topping homemade linguine with a mixture of fresh basil and crab, then adding a squeeze of lemon juice on top. This dish is best paired with a light nectar.

All BBQ meals do now count towards the BBQ holiday tradition.

Be A Bluglar Mod
Devenez un vrai voleur. Entrez dans des maisons d'inconnus (ou d'amis), volez tous leurs biens de valeur et devenez riches. Mais attention à ne pas vous faire prendre
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