Sims will like wear a pirate or princess costume instead of the bear costume when they are in the bear childhood phase, the can use the self interaction "wear costume". Also, the sad moodlet for not wearing their costume is gone with <strong>version 1</strong> / reduced to 1 with <strong>version 2</strong>.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786"><strong>Note:</strong> EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.

par Bosselady TV in Social Interactions
*I can't take credit for this mod! The core of the mod was developed by the talented Tralfaz. (I only made a few tweaks.)

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Bergamot Orange
This is a small inedible citrus used for it's lovely sweet and citrusy scent. This plant won't dry out as quickly in extreme heat and will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. Periodically termites will visit this tree to eat the shedding bark. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

Adds more outfits for your bride and groom to autonomously change into at weddings. Cannot be used with <strong>MyWeddingStories</strong> weddings.
<img src="https://bienchen.sems-own-world.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/wrench.jpg" alt="" width="20" height="22" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2786"><strong>Note:</strong> EA clothing that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Animal Activity
The Decay Rate of Activity (Attention) is 4x slower than default (default is 6 hrs)

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Animal Hunger
The Decay Rate of Hunger is 4x slower than default (default is 6 hrs)

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Animal Hygiene
Cleaning Cows/Llamas is 4x faster and decay Rate of Hygiene is 4x slower than default (default is 6 hrs)

par Lotharihoe in Tweaks
Better Ball Fights
This mod is an attempt at making snowball, mud and water balloon fights more dynamic.

par Twisted Mexi in Scripts
Better Buildbuy: Organized Debug
Organized Debug, better filters, expandable catalog, and more!

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Better Butler (And Hire More Butler)
Ajuste le comportement du majordome afin de le rendre plus efficace et permet d'engager plus de majordomes.
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