Better Pie Menu Mod
This mod creates a better overview in the pie menu structure for some objects in the game, e.g. sim, computer, TV, stereo, fridge, stove, mirror etc... The main goal is to make the search faster with suitable icons. In addition, the priority of unimportant folders has been decreased and the priority of the important folder has been increased instead. A few new overcategories were also created on the computer and the sub-folders reorganized.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Power Water Production
Changes the Power/ Water Production of Solar Panels, Windturbines and Water Collectors 10x higher.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Quality Drinks Backyard Tray
The Drinks of the Try are now outstanding

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Quality Drinks Spa Day Tray
The Drinks of the Try are now outstanding

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Better Quality Food Marketstalls
Foods at Marketsstalls are now outstanding

Les Sims utiliseront de manière autonome les toilettes et mangeront au travail, même si ces besoins ne sont pas dans le rouge. Ils socialiseront également un peu, et récupéreront un peu d'énergie pendant leurs pauses. Améliore les chances que les Sims mangent réellement leur déjeuner au travail. Chaque fois qu'un sim mange pendant le travail / l'école, les fonds ménagers seront réduits de 12 simoleons.
Le mod séparé "TakeIteasy" permet de remonter les besoins de votre sim (en particulier la faim et la vessie) lorsqu'ils choisissent cela lors de l'action de travail. C'est donc une solution de contournement lorsque vous ne restez pas à la maison alors que certains de vos sims sont au travail / à l'école. Par défaut, ils ne pourront pas s'occuper de leurs besoins pendant que vous êtes loin de votre terrain.

Bread sticks, bread and bagels will now actually fill your sims hunger bar.

Your Sims don't have to stay at home to eat proper food anymore, as this mod offers better food quality at restaurants, market stalls, the spice festival, coffee shops, bars, banquet table and venue fridges.

Milk will fill your toddlers hunger motive faster than other drinks.

par Adeepindigo in Gameplay
Bg Health System
Il s'agit d'un mod modulaire qui offre un système de santé similaire aux mods basés sur l'addon Au Travail mais pour les joueurs qui n'ont que le jeu de base. Cela leur permet d'avoir des maladies similaires à celles de Au Travail.

Bipolar Trait
Bipolar is, according to the DSM-5, a group of brain disorders that cause extreme fluctuation in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. There are actually at least three types of bipolar disorders (Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymic disorder) but this particular trait would fall under the diagnosis of Bipolar I. People who live with bipolar disorder experience periods of great excitement, overactivity, delusions, and euphoria (known as mania) and other periods of feeling sad and hopeless (known as depression). As such, the use of the word bipolar reflects this fluctuation between extreme highs and extreme lows. I created this trait based on my own experiences with Bipolar I along with some considerable studying of other sources. My goal is neither to glorify nor to demean those with mental illness like myself. I wish only to educate and give those without such an illness a view into the world of what it’s like for those who do have this illness and illnesses like it.
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