par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Bouncer Only Homeless Sims
Bouncer will only be Homeless NPCs. (I was tired of seeing my own Sims from my active Household being a Bouncer)

par Brazenlotus in Events & Traditions
Bountiful Harvest Tradition
This adds a new holiday tradition to the game that revolves around picking harvestables.

Adds a chance that children and teens will get teeth gaps, missing teeth or bracelets for a while.

Brave Trait In Cas
Il s'agit d'une simple modification visant à transformer le nouveau trait de bravoure en trait de personnalité CAS.

par LittleMsSam in Correctifs de bugs
Breakthrough Fix
Only Scientists or retired Scientists should get Breakthroughs now

par Lotharihoe in Graphismes & Interface
Brighter Foundations
This mod is an attempt to fix the old issue of foundations being too dark and their colors never matching anything else.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Brindleton Bay No Stray Dogs & Cats (Replaced With Non Homeless Cats)
Au lieu de chiens et de chats errants, seuls les chats qui ont un foyer se promèneront autour de votre terrain.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
This appetizer is made by toasting bread loaf slices with olive oil and topping it with a mixture of tomatoes and basil. This dish is great as an antipasto or a quick lunch on a warm day!
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