Buyable Food
Permet d'acheter de la nourriture directement à partir du catalogue ou via le synthétiseur de nourriture.

par LittleMsSam in Correctifs de bugs
Buyable Witch Perk Reset Potion Animation Fix
Fixes an Animation Error when drinking the buyable Potion. I replaced it with another Animation so it does not look 100% accurate.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Buybale Curse Cleansing Potion
Adds a buyable Curse Cleansing Potion (250$) at the Potion Ingredients Vendor in Casters Ally. Because of an Animation Error i replaced the Animation which does not look 100% accurate (until EA fixes it)

Sims can now also purchase books from bookcases on Community lots.

Sims can now also buy candle dye and wax on Community Lots.

Cows, lamas and chickens can now be bought on every lot.

Sims can buy pet treats from their computers (in the medicine sub menu) with this mod.

Bye Bye Eye Ring (Better Cas Randomization) V2
Un petit mod de réglage pour réduire les chances que l'outil "aléatoire" du CAS ajoute du maquillage et des accessoires.

Cabinets With Inventory
This download includes versions of 14 kitchen cabinets found in the base game and various packs modified to each have their own inventory, so that you can store things in it, like canned goods, repair parts, blocks of soy wax and all the other stuff your Sim hauls around in their pockets since they don't have anywhere better to put it and don't want to buy a storage chest to tuck in a corner somewhere.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
This is a large, oval pod containing large seeds. This tropical tree that will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. A heavy feeder, this tree needs more fertilizer to get to a better quality faster. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

The vendor at the cafeteria will mostly stand still instead of constantly yelling and advertising.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Call A Babysitter
Vous pouvez désormais appeler une baby-sitter par le biais du téléphone.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Call Befriended Rabbit Out (Via Rabbit Homes) Tweak
Some Tweaks to make it easier to lure befriended Rabbits out of the Rabbit Home for example the required Relationship Value is lowered from 35 to 10.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Call Over Will Wake Up Pets
If you call a Pet over via the whistle it will fully wake them up

par LittleMsSam in Correctifs de bugs
Call To Meal Fix
Parents with a Toddler in the Household are now callable to Meal again

Complete overhaul for visits and phone calls. Mix and match however you like according to your owned packs.
<strong>barnights</strong> - Less bar night invites.
<strong>basecalls</strong> - Less phone spam, for instance new friend calls. Other phone calls have been fixed and/or chances enhances, e. g. play hooky, playdate, promotion party. Ghost will no longer call your Sims.
<strong>behave</strong> - More appropriate visitor behaviour (no bathing, computer or reading books). Sims will no longer instantly leave after they invited your Sim out.
<strong>dates</strong> - No more date offers from Sims that don't have any romantic interest towards your Sim.
<strong>doorknocker</strong> - Less door knockers - tuned by taking into account relationship, the mood the Sim was when they left after their last visit and the visitors traits.
<strong>morevenues</strong> - Your Sim can be invited to a broader variety of community venues.
<strong>badreputation</strong> - For Get Famous. Less phone calls for Sims with a bad reputation.
<strong>goodreputation</strong> - For Get Famous. Less phone calls for Sims with a good reputation, especially less and more appropriate job offers.
<strong>challenge</strong> - Requires Get Famous. This module adds so called challenge called which you can either accept or deny. Denial will have no consequences at all, while if you accept your Sim will loose a random amount of money (5.000-100.000 Simoleons).
<strong>getfamous</strong> - For Get Famous. Less donation calls, fame visits and other fame based calls.
<strong>cityinvies</strong> - For City Living. Higher chance to get invited to opera, karaoke events for Sims with the appropriate traits/preferences.
<strong>festivals</strong> - For City Living. Festival invitations will better suit your Sims mood and preference.
<strong>ecoliving</strong> - For Eco Living. Less phone spam, more interesting calls. Weird stuff like pregnant men after phone calls or your Sims parents calling to ask whether they should have a baby have been cut.
<strong>gettogether</strong> - For Get Together. More invitations to bluffs, ruins, …, less club base phone calls.
<strong>islandfoodvisits</strong> - For Island Living. Sims will bring tropical veggies instead of pork.
<strong>magicduel</strong> - For Realm of Magic. Less duel invitations in tims when your Sims not feeling good.
<strong>novampires</strong> - For the Vampire GP. No more vampire phone calls and visits.
<strong>onsiegifts</strong> - For Nifty Nitting. Sims will receive 2 baby onesies in their inventory when they are called for congratulations on their new baby.
<strong>restaurants</strong> - For Dine Out. Your Sims will only get invited to restaurants when they are neither full not already too hungry or tired.

Sims can now not only call household pets to meal, but also other nearby pets they have met.

Sims will be able to call off weddings until the wedding kiss. Just click on the partner of your Sim during the get married interaction.

Sims will no longer have to cancel or finish their own meal before they will perform a queued call-to-meal-interaction.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Calm Bees
Ce petit module ajoute une nouvelle interaction "Calmer les abeilles" à la ruche.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Can I Come Over
Vous voulez rendre visite à un ami, mais vous ne vous souvenez plus où il habite ? Vous êtes trop paresseux pour chercher sa maison dans le monde entier ? Envoyez-lui un SMS et vous recevrez peut-être un SMS en retour pour lui rendre visite en un clic.

par Lot51 in Correctifs de bugs
Can’T Bathe Around Kittens Or Puppies Bug Fix
This mod fixes a weird bug that prevents sims from showering/bathing/sunbathing when a puppy or kitten is nearby, which actually happens often cause they follow you everywhere.
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