par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Chicken Mask For Background Actors Only
The Chicken Mask will only get added to Background Actors and not the Main Actor in Super Hero Customes

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Chicory Root
A tough, smoky flavored tuber. This is a cool season crop and will go dormant if exposed to heat waves. Also a heavy feeder, this plant needs lots of nutrients so try adding some fertilizer to help it get to a better quality faster. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

Child Aspiration - Scout Master
This Sim is all about mastering the Scouts!

Child Aspirations Bundle
This mod is very simple. It gives you five new aspirations for children.

Child Birth Mod
Mod très complet qui permet une grossesse et un accouchement réalistes. Tout a été refait, du test de grossesse, à la préparation à l'accouchement jusqu'à l'accouchement.

Sims with level seven creativity can write a doll house story at the PC with any posive doll house moodlet.

Fixes the bug that childhood phases are not ended, but the trait persists until aging up to yound adult.

par ClaudiaSharon in Tweaks
Children Can Gain Fitness
Children can now gain the fitness skill after maxing out the motor skill again!

par ClaudiaSharon in Tweaks
Children Can Gain Painting And Writing Skills
Children can now gain the painting and writing skills after maxing the creativity skill! Yes, my long awaited mod is here! Your child sims can now practice writing on the computer along with painting on their activity tables! Woohoo!

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Chinoiserie Tea Set
I originally made a version of this tea set as another object that worked like a drink tray. Then EA came out with a proper tea set in the Wedding Stories pack and I just HAD to remake mine to match. When the tea is poured this tray will give off a bit of steam. Tea recipes will be served in cups matching their respective tea set and tea can be served to others if you have Wedding Stories installed.
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