Comedian Trait
The Goofball trait was just too… goofy. I needed something different for a very specific Sim/character that I had in mind that I wanted to create and so, I created this new trait! Like all of my traits, it has both benefits and drawbacks. Like some famous real-life comedians, Sims with the Comedian trait will have the “need” to entertain others and if they don’t, well, being alone with your thoughts for too long can be a bad thing for a Comedian. Comedians have an easy time making friends with all of their hilarious jokes, but actual romantic relationships are hard to keep even though everyone always says, “I want someone who can make me laugh”. Yeah, sure you do. I didn’t base this trait too much on myself… otherwise it would be called the “Smart Ass Trait” … but instead on several examples of real-life comedians of whom I am a fan.

Commander Un Panier Bio À La Ferme !
Le sim ira acheter le panier commandé et reviendra à la maison avec ce panier dans l'inventaire !

par Chingyu1023 in Gameplay
Compatibility Intensity Overrides
Ce pack ajuste globalement l'intensité de la Compatibilité sociale du pack Grandir ensemble, offrant 3 saveurs.

Sims will be able to congratulate other Sims which recently had their birthday, engagement, wedding or found a new partner.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Construction Supplies
A recipe for multiple ingredients that can be used for crafting woodworking items. It includes several items that range from wood planks to nails.

par Lumpinou in Social Interactions
Contextual Social Interactions
Ajoute de nouvelles interactions contextuelles au jeu

par Wickedpixxel in Gameplay
Conversation Starters
Petit mod qui ajoute une interaction social "Initier la conversation"

In TS4, the more ordinary conversation choices are often burried under object based or otherwise weird stuff. This mod makes those topics less visible and thus helps guiding your Sims to the desired conversation without endless clicks. There are several packages for you to combine to your liking. Just install the packages for choices you don't want to clutter your pie menu with. Those options will still be available in the respective category, so they aren't completely disabled.
The package <strong>LessAutonomousHuggingAndGreeting</strong> will reduce autonomous hugging and greeting. Die package <strong>LessIdleChat</strong> will limit idle chat to NPCs in unimportant roles. <strong>fewerautonomousintroductions</strong> – Sims will introduce themselves less autonomously, especially no flirty and enchanting introduction.
<strong>lessmusicalchairs</strong> – Sims will change seats less while talking.
<strong>lessrandomflirting</strong> - Prevents Sims from mindlessly flirting with everyone even though they're already in a relationship.
<strong>lessrandommean</strong> – Sims will be less mean to Sims they like.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Ce mod ajoute de nouveaux livres de cuisine achetables dans votre jeu !
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