par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Elevator Fix For Toddler & Pets
Since University Toddlers & Pets cannot use the Elevators anymore and get Routing Errors. Why? Because EA forgot to add the new Elevator Portal they added to them as well. This Fix adds it to them.

par Simularity in Tweaks
Emotion Names Overhaul Mod
I like the idea of this very useful mod very much and I think it will be very handy to very many people. Very. See how annoying the word “very” can be after a while? Let’s take it out of the Sims 4 emotion names! Now instead of “Very Energized” your Sim will be “Exhilarated” and instead of “Very Sad” they will be “Depressed”. (This tuning mod goes very well with my Bipolar Trait and the other mood intensive traits I’ve created.)

Similar to Shimrods HappyBuffsChangedToFine Mod, this mod will disable all environmental buffs.

Les employés pourront atteindre le niveau de satisfaction le plus élevé avec ce mod si vous prenez soin d'eux.

Sims will not use the energetic walkstyle unless they are pumped/very energized.

Energy Vampire Trait
This is a small mod you can use to feed off the lifeforce of other Sims.

Enfant Gâté
Mod narratif qui ajoute des phases de colère pour vos enfants où ils demanderont à leurs parents des jouets, la télévision, des tablettes, et d'autres choses.

par NeedCoffee4That in Gameplay
Enlargio Spell
Ajoute un nouveau sort : "Enlargio". C'est un sort de la magie pratique, qui peut être lancé à partir du niveau 4. Vous pouvez l'apprendre en vous exerçant dans la magie pratique, ou en trouvant un tome vous permettant d'apprendre ce sort.

par Adeepindigo in Carrières & Activités
Entertainer Career Overhaul
Refonte des branches des carrières de comédiens et des musiciens, pour y ajouter des nouvelles : production musicale, chanteur, DJ et Orchestre symphonique.

Contains three mods:
<strong>noidles</strong> - Sims will not yawn or do the inspired idle when reacting to decorated environment.
<strong>reducedbuffs</strong> - The moodlets Sims get from being in a good environment will not last as long.
<strong>noidlesandbuffs</strong> - Idles and moodlets from badly/nicely decorated environment will no longer occur at all.

Equestrian Career
With this mod, your Sims can join the Equestrian Career!

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Espresso Coffee
This is a coffee ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item or they can craft it on my Mill appliance. Each tin can be separated into 8 bags of coffee that can be used as an ingredient.

par ClaudiaSharon in Gameplay
Even More Babies Mod
Permet d'avoir 4, 5 ou 6 bébés à la fois et d'augmenter les chances d'avoir des jumeaux et des triplés.
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