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Farmer Trait

Farmer Trait

I LOVE being a farmer type Sim now that I have the Cottage Living EP but to make the most of it, I had to use up all of my trait slots for things that seemed like they should be all together in one trait. So, I created this new all-in-one Farmer Trait. Don’t worry, Cottage Living is NOT required for this trait to work! Farmer Sims love to tend to their crops and livestock, cook up meals and herbal remedies with the produce they grow, be handy around the farm, and of course be outside most of the time rather than cooped up in the house. I made this a “lifestyle” trait since farming is a lifestyle and not just a hobby. This was inspired by my farmer relatives. Of course, as always, if you have suggestions on how to make this trait better, let me know!
Fashion Authority 2

Fashion Authority 2

Prenez le contrôle en instaurant des uniformes ! Attribuez des tenues en fonction de la morphologie (adulte/enfant) et des préférences en matière de mode (masculine/féminine), puis limitez-les à des situations, des emplois ou des carrières, ainsi qu'à des régions spécifiques.
Faster Archaeology Mod

Faster Archaeology Mod

I created this mod mainly because my Archaeology Custom Preference Mod does not work with the faster archaeology mod by LittleMsSam. So, I had to create my own similar (but not duplicate) mod that was compatible with my preference mod. Here it is! This mod will increase the speed by which your Sim excavates dig piles and makes use of the Archaeology Table from Jungle Adventure GP. The speed increase will depend on your Sim’s Archaeology skill level; the higher the skill level, the faster the mod will make the actions go by.
Faster Digital Photo Frames Mod

Faster Digital Photo Frames Mod

Are you like me and love the Digital Photo Frames that came with the Moschino Stuff Pack but can’t stand how slowly they shuffle through photos? I mean, the fastest shuffle speed is 1 hour between photos! Well, I fixed it for those of us who have little to no patience. Now you can have the interval speed vary between an hour to one minute. (Actually, it’s two minutes as trying for an actual one-minute interval caused an error in the code but two is close enough to one.)
Faster Holiday Tree Decorating Mod

Faster Holiday Tree Decorating Mod

Do your Sims love to celebrate the winter holidays from the Seasons Expansion Pack but you hate having to wait countless hours for them to decorate that holiday tree which may then shoot up in flames as soon as they’re finished? Well, now at least you don’t have to wait so long for the decorating part! This tuning mod cuts down the decorating time to about a 1/4 of what it was before so now it’s actually a reasonable amount of time. (I certainly don’t take hours to decorate a tree.) This mod doesn’t affect whether your tree will burst into flames once your Sims finish decorating but if I get requests, I could do that mod too. As for now, Happy Holidays!
Faster Programming Mod

Faster Programming Mod

Is your Sim a Freelance Programmer or Geek that loves to Program on computers, but you hate how long it takes to complete any given programming task? Well today is your lucky day! This tuning mod greatly increases the speed of each and every computer programming task! Now your Sim will mod games, create plugins, hack, and more in a more reasonable amount of time rather than taking multiple Sim days of trying to complete only one task. I don’t have an exact figure as to how much faster it is but some of the values for speed were like “0.8” and I changed them to “2” or “3” so that should give you some vague idea.
Faster Run To University Class

Faster Run To University Class

Sims are just too slow to go to Class and end up being too late often so with this Mod they get a hidden Buff which let's them run a bit faster to Class. The Buff last 25 Minutes which should be long enough.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Sims will directly change into their winterwear when heading to go sledding togehter instead of first running there with whatever they wear at the moment. Moreover, Sims will change into their winterwear when you choose the regular or goofy pose at the snowsportsslope.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Fixes a bug where fasting will be reset to the initial 6 hours each time you travel with your Sim.
par Helaene in Gameplay

Fear Factory

Fear Factory introduit 20 nouvelles phobies et autres angoisses pour vos Sims, leur donnant plus de personnalité et apportant de nouveaux défis à votre jeu.

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