Two small mods that will let your toddlers and Sims in restaurants finish their meals properly.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Fireguard Means No Fire
After upgrading “Fireguard” at Fireplaces, furniture around still could caught fire in my Game. This Bug fix prevents that.

Sims will only autonomously light a fireplace if they are actually in danger of freezing to death.

First Impressions
Ce mod ajoutera à votre jeu une touche de réalisme en introduisant le concept de "première impression". Lorsque vos sims rencontreront d'autres Sim pour la première fois, un nouveau sentiment s'ajoutera en indiquant l'impression qu'ils ont eu.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
First Love
Débloque une interaction "Premier Amour" lorsque le niveau d'amitié est élevé.

par Brazenlotus in Objets fonctionnels
Fishing Cooler
I really hated that I couldn't send my sim out for a fishing trip without coming home with less-than-fresh fish so I created a fishing cooler. This portable cooler allows you to store fish in it so they will keep fresh longer and it comes with some drinks that have a chance to give your sim a boost while they're fishing.

Alters the confident buffs connected to successfull fishing and cooking to focused for fishing and inspired for cooking.

par Simularity in Correctifs de bugs
Fix Broken “Clean Whiteboard” Want
After playing the High School Years expansion pack, I noticed that one of the “wants” (formally known as “whims”) of one of the new Teen aspirations is impossible to satisfy. There is no interaction in the game to “Clean the Whiteboard” so every time this want pops up, I just have to wait for it to go away or use a potion (or a cheat) since there is nothing else that can be done with it. This mod removes that want from the Teen Goal Oriented Aspiration so that it will never pop up again.

par LittleMsSam in Tweaks
Flea Market Appears Every Sunday
Permet d'aller au marché aux puces pour vendre des produits tous les dimanches.
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