par Mercuryfoam in Social Interactions
Group Dance Mod - Pack 3
Ce pack de danse ajoute 5 dances de hip hop & contemporaines pour vos Sims.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Gruyere Cheese
A semi-hard cheese with a rich nutty flavor. Sims can measure a serving to use as an ingredient in food recipes or they can eat it as-is. Sims who have mastered the Cheesemaking skill will get an additional buff from eating this. This ingredient can be purchased via my Brazen Delivery service. If you'd like to craft this you'll also need to install the Cheesemaking Skill from the 'Optional Mods' section below.

par Adeepindigo in Gameplay
Gtw Health Overhaul
Il s'agit d'un mod modulaire qui réinvente les maladies des Sims 4 au travail et comprend des modules complémentaires pour la santé de votre sim. Les composants du mod sont personnalisables en fonction de l'expérience que vous souhaitez que vos Sims aient dans le jeu.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Guests Only Order Drink When Not Busy
Sometimes too many Sims order at Bars/Expressobars so i tried to tone it down a bit. I also added more possible Drinks for NPCs to order (Bars)

par Helaene in Personalité & Génération
Halaene'S Preferencesplus
This mod provides dozens of new preferences (hobbies, interests, venues, outfits, personal, food types, drinks and flavors). These new preference traits can be added in CAS using the new likes/dislikes system. Preferences have a variety of gameplay effects including autonomy changes, whims, social interactions, computer interactions and moodlets.

par Caladriel in Events & Traditions
Halloween Mini Pack
Ajoutez 3 nouvelles traditions d'Halloween au jeu : sculpter des citrouilles, tenir des bougies & un gâteau zombie.

par Bosselady TV in Tweaks
Hang On
Do you play with large families or do storytelling in the Sims 4? Then check out this mod.

Happy Go Lucky Trait For Dogs
I was browsing The Sims 4 Community Facebook Group the other day when I came upon a thread talking about how difficult it can be to take care of pets in the Sims 4. Several people asked if there was a mod that made pets easier to take care of and happy all the time. Well, here is my mod for that! This doesn’t make them happy all the time, but most of the time. They’ll never get sad, but they might still get scared and tense. Luckily, all those negative moods/buffs go away five times faster with this trait. Also, Happy Go Lucky doggies never run away!

Happy Haunts
Rajoute un cimetière et le gameplay qui s'y rattache. Le mod est modulaire et propose un gameplay pour les joueurs qui veulent un gameplay plus réaliste et ceux qui aiment jouer avec des Sims occultes.

Changes the emotional mindfulness moodlet from +4 fine to +2 happy.
With the alternate version of the mod, your Sims motives will also not decay as slowly as tuned by EA.
<strong>Only install one verison.</strong>

Disables the idle animations children and up do if they gained one of the happy toddler traits.
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