par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Kids Trampoline
Ajoute un trampoline fonctionnel pour vos enfants & bambins

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
King Cake
A custom food cake that was inspired by the cake that's eaten as a tradition in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. There's a small plastic baby hidden in each cake, which if you find is said to be good luck. Finding the baby also means that it's your job to bring the cake for the next party! I tried my best to do this cake justice with my presentation as well as with the custom buffs Sims can get from eating it. So Sims will have a very small chance of finding a baby in the King Cake (I may increase this chance if requested). If your Sim finds a baby they will get a short happy buff, along with an inspired buff that reminds them it's their turn to make a King Cake. If they complete the task, they get a happy buff and will be able to level up their skills twice as fast for 24 hours. If they don't make a cake, then they get a tense buff and their skill gain will be halved for 24 hours.

Kinkster - Lifestyle Trait
Kinkster Mod adds a new "Kinky" menu and social interactions to The Sims 4.

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Kiss Of Fresh
This is a hidden lot modifier – which means it won't take up one of the user-facing lot traits you can choose. All you need to do is simply place it on your lot and the ‘Kiss of Fresh' modifier is applied to all the consumables & flower arrangements on that lot!

par MizoreYukii in Tweaks
Kneel Anywhere
This adds an interaction to the ground that allows your sims to kneel anywhere by selecting "Kneel Here".

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Ladyfinger Cookies
This is a homemade ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item or they can craft it from the 'Make Ingredients' menu in my Brazen Homestead Cookbook and Craftbooks. This comes in bulk and a single servings. Each bulk serving can be separated into 8 single servings that can be used as an ingredient.

The landlord will no longer tell your sims to not call him when he´s not needed when he actually was.

Language Barriers
Ce mod ajoute de nouvelles langues à l'univers des Sims, ce qui introduit un défi unique dans le jeu.
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