par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Lunchsack Into Inventory
The LunchSack will now be transfered into the Sims Inventory instead of being placed down at random places where it will never be found

Mad Scientist Aspiration
If you enjoyed my Scientist Extraordinaire Aspiration or thought it was a little too tame for your mischievous tastes, I present to you the Mad, Mad I Tell You, Scientist Aspiration! This aspiration also utilizes the Scientist career from the Get to Work EP but from a totally different point of view. This time the focus is causing as much havoc as you can in the name of science! Your Sim doesn’t have to be Evil to complete this aspiration (though it couldn’t hurt) but a high Mischief Skill does help. This aspiration is rather challenging and also very fun to play if you like causing trouble for all the Sims in the neighborhood. As before, the Get to Work Expansion Pack is required for this Aspiration to work!

par Lotharihoe in Gameplay
Madam Simovar - The Potion Seller
Ajoute Madame Simovar, un nouveau PNJ qui permet à vos Sims non sorciers d'avoir accès à des potions d'alchimie - à condition qu'ils aient de l'argent.

Magazine Kit
The Magazine Kit adds functional magazines to the Sims 4.

par LittleMsSam in Tweaks
Maid & Gardener Service
Un petit Mod où les femmes de ménage et le jardinier travaillent aussi les week-ends

par Simplified Modding in Petits mods
Make Computer Obsolete
Permet de rendre les ordinateurs obsolètes et de déplacer toutes les interactions de job, achat & foyer sur le panneau communautaire. Particulièrement pratique si vous jouez des parties "historiques".

par Helaene in Recettes & Plantes
Make-At-Home Recipes (Eps Required)
Cook-at-home versions of recipes that were previously only available at market stalls, etc. These will be cooked autonomously by Sims with matching food preferences if using PreferencesPlus.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
A sweet and fleshy fruit with a distinctive tropical flavor. A tropical tree that will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. A heavy feeder, this tree needs lots of nutrients so try adding some fertilizer to help it get to a better quality faster. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.
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