par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Medium Coffee
This is a coffee ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item or they can craft it on my Mill appliance. Each tin can be separated into 8 bags of coffee that can be used as an ingredient.

par Srlsysims in Objets fonctionnels
Mega Storage Mod
Transforme de nombreux décors en espace de stockage fonctionnel.

Memory Panel: A Mod For Lifelong Memories
Enregistre les évènements importants dans la vie de vos Sims.

par Simularity in Gameplay
Mental Health Medications
Ce mod contient trois médicaments pour aider avec les traits de maladie mentale Simularity. En prime, ils aident également avec tous les autres traits de ce type !

Mental Wellness
Ce mod ajoute la santé mentale à Sims 4. Les sims peuvent maintenant être diagnostiqués avec des troubles comme la dépression, l'anxiété et le TDAH. Ils peuvent également prendre des médicaments pour traiter leurs troubles.

par Simularity in Lots traits
Merfolk Cove Lot Trait
Do you have Island Living but can’t find any mermaids anywhere in Sulani? It’s because they’re hiding from you! Well, they don’t hide from you in a Merfolk Cove! Just set any beach in Sulani or elsewhere with this Merfolk Cove lot trait and the merfolk will gather in droves… and you’ll see them in their full mer-glory! Not only that, but once you visit a Merfolk Cove, the merfolk will learn to trust your Sim and they will be able to see the merfolk anywhere from then on. Pretty cool, huh?

Mermaid Transformation Vfx
Change the mermaid transformation VFX

Contains three seperate mods that will let your mermaids fulfill all their needs without having to leave the water: They will be able to pee in the water (normal Sims can do it also if their bladder is low and they arenít neat), fulfill their hunger motive by freediving and fulfill their social need faster by interacting with dolphins.

par Brazenlotus in Objets fonctionnels
Mill Appliance
This comes with a set of mill appliances, one that is electric and one that functions off-the-grid. These mills will grind items into flour, powder, spice, and tea ingredients that can be used in my other custom recipes.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
I had no idea what this was until a Patron requested it in one of our project discussions. When I saw what this pastry/cake looked like I was in LOVE and absolutely had to try to make it! This is a cake made from pastry dough, cream, and berries that's often served at Italian weddings instead of the usual wedding cake. This recipe is base game but it can be made and served at weddings if you own the My Wedding Stories pack.

par SimsonianLibrary in Gameplay
Mine Crafting
L'artisanat minier permet à votre sim de construire des mines et d'en extraire des métaux ou des cristaux. Il ajoute la compétence Minéralogie qui permet à votre sim de fondre de précieux lingots de métal purifié à partir de plusieurs pièces de métal à la station de fonte minérale, ainsi que de tailler des gemmes à partir de cristaux sur la table d'archéologie.
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