par Simularity in Lots traits
Modern Art Gallery Lot Trait
This lot trait of mine has been in the works for quite some time as I’ve been tweaking it and trying out new features that I’ve never incorporated before. For this lot trait, I used Lumpinou’s Mood Mod Pack to give the visitors to Modern Art Gallery lots some truly unique yet very appropriate mood buffs! (You’ll need to download the mood mod pack separately via the button link below.) Due to the fact that this lot trait works best on Arts Centers venues from the City Living EP, I’m going to say it requires that EP though it has no other requirements from any EP and can also work on Museum venues from the Base Game. So, take that for what you will.

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Modern Family Portrait
These frames are display posed and customizable family portraits! Simply place it in game to auto generate a posed photo of your sim family. Comes in two frame styles and many background options.

When you shift-click on any Sim, you can now either alter them in CAS or change their outfit.

Mood Override
Il s'agit d'un mod très simple qui remplace tous les états d'âme "très" d'EA.

Mood Pack Mod
Ce mode ne fonctionne pas seul, il est pensé pour être utilisé dans d'autres mods. Ajoute 34 nouvelles humeurs dans le jeu.

(Especially negative) moods will influence your Sims more with this mod installed. Moods will have an impact on how well your Sims do at work or school, how fast they get stuff done and skills levelled, how they get along with other Sims and more.
<strong>Warning:</strong> This is not a mod for players who like to keep their game easy.

par Chingyu1023 in Tweaks
More / Less Skill Boost From Moods
Edit mood buffs tunings to enlarge/lower the effects of emotions on skills.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
More Buyable Venues And New Venue Types
Ce mod de réglage vous permet d'acheter plus de sites et d'ajouter de nouveaux types de sites au jeu.

par Littlbowbub in Gameplay
More Cafe Foods - Override Gt Add On
Ajoute plus de nourriture de café : un tas de recettes des recettes de Littlebowbub, les boissons chaudes du distributeur de boissons de Littlbowbub et certains des aliments ea du jeu de base et des extensions.
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