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91 / 132
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Unfortunately, the eco sunrays and aurora borealis are completly broken at the moment and cause severe lag. That's why I finally decided to completely disable those effects. I'm well aware that there is already a similar mod available on MTS, but as this one marks uploaded lots in the galery as using CC, I decided to share my own version which does not have this flaw.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Disables NPC walkbys from autonomously swimming in open water – and especially from walking around in their swimwear through the entire neighborhood for said purpose.
Npcc Mod

Npcc Mod

The main task of the mod is to prevent generation of a new NPC, forcing the game for various roles and careers (maid, postman, etc.) to use existing Sims.
NPCs Auto Massage & Meditation

Npcs Auto Massage & Meditation

(not needed if you have the More buyable Venues Mod it is already included there!!!)Spa Guest NPCs ask autonomously for a Massage at MassageTables & meditate autonomously via MeditationStool


A small aromatic seed used in cooking and spices. This tropical tree will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. A heavy feeder, this tree needs lots of nutrients so try adding some fertilizer to help it evolve faster. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.
Obsessive teen mod

Obsessive Teen Mod

Ce mod a 10 interactions, 6 sur les bancs du jeu de base, 3 sur n'importe quel fauteuil du jeu de base, 1 sur le sim pour lequel vous avez une attirance romantique.

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