par NateTheL0ser in Gameplay
Occult Toddler Quirks
Les bambins occultes peuvent avoir leurs propres spécificités, ce qui leur permet de faire plein de choses mignonnes !

par MissyHissy in Gameplay
Occult: Lore & Order
Ce mod modifie les livres de Vampire pour y ajouter de nouvelles notes. Celles-ci ne sont disponibles que si vous avez acquis le nouveau trait Vision vampirique. Ce trait peut être obtenu en lisant simplement les livres de vampires.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Ocean Water
This cool drink is loaded with island flavor! A lemon-lime juice base is flavored with coconut and blueberries, which give it it's unique ocean color.

par WICKED PIXXEL in Gameplay
Off-Grid Survival
Ce mod ajoute la chasse et la collecte de matériaux pour la surviedans les Sims 4. Inclut deux objets fonctionnels. L'établi d'artisanat de survie et le piège à animaux en bois.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Offer Appeareance Styling & Earn Money
Ce mod vous permet de styliser les PNJ et de gagner de l'argent.

par YourFalseHope in Social Interactions
Offer To Feed
Many people have always wanted the option to have their non-vampire friends of Vampires be able to offer to feed them.

Unlocks the offer makeover interaction from the Style Influencer career to be available for all Sims that are aged teen or older.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Olive & Herb Stuffed Pork
A tender pork loin stuffed with woody herbs and crisp, salty olives. Served on a cutting board with fresh greens.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
Olive Oil
An oil ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item or they can craft it on my Oil & Juice Press appliance. Each large bottle can be separated into 8 small bowls that can be used as an ingredient in my custom food and drink recipes.

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
During extreme heat this plant won't dry out as quickly and will yield an extra crop, but it doesn't do well with the cold and will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

par llazyneiph in Gameplay
Omegaverse est un mod des Sims 4, qui vise à introduire un omegaverse complet et agréable dans le jeu.
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