par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Only High Mischief Skill Sims Cheat At Final Exam
When Sims take the Final Exam there is a random Loot where they cheat and either fail or succeed at cheating. Every Sim that is not at least lvl 4 in Mischief has a high Chance to fail and get caught. I changed the random loot a bit: Only Sims with at least level 6 in Mischief should cheat and only have a chance to fail when they have the Clumsy Trait.

Deactivates most situations in which hands hygiene is reduced. Thus your Sims will mostly only autonomously wash hands after peeing.

Disables Dims from beeing able to put dirty clothes in the dryer and on the clothes line.

par Lumpinou in Social Interactions
Open Love Life
Avec ce mod, les Sims peuvent maintenant avoir une relation de couple à 3. La relation est exclusive entre les membres du groupe, sans jalousie, les Sim seront par contre jaloux en cas de relation avec un sim extérieur au groupe.

The capsules containing MySims figures can now be extracted directly from the inventory without having to wait for your Sim just like fossils, seed packages and such.

par Somik and Severinka in Gameplay
Oral Hygiene
Un mod très simple pour vous donner de l'inspiration pour brosser les dents de vos sims. Le principe du mod est que lorsque l'hygiène est faible, vous recevrez un buff gêné vous indiquant qu'il est temps de vous brosser les dents. Les sims qui se trouvent à proximité réagiront à la mauvaise odeur (pas de buffs, seulement des réactions).

par Brazenlotus in Recettes & Plantes
An herb known for it's peppery, pungent flavor. This herb won't dry out as quickly during heat waves and will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. The fragrant leaves of this plant may provide a small boost of inspiration to Sims with the gourmet cooking skill as well as a focused boost for Sims with the gardening skill. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.

par Sim Realist in Gameplay
Avec ce mod, les cheveux de votre Sims pousseront au fur et à mesure du temps.

par Lotharihoe in Graphismes & Interface
Out Of The Dark
This mod removes the blue tint that haunts every indoor space in The Sims 4. It turns it into a softer shade of grey, more realistic but also better for gameplay.

par Simularity in Events & Traditions
Out To The Movies Event
Why stay at home to watch movies when you can go out to a movie theater and have a good time there? I created this event to go along with my Movie Theater Lot Trait and Midtown Movie Theater Community Lot. Neither of those two are required for this event to work but they do make this event more fun and/or easier to accomplish. There are several relevant, themed goals to accomplish and themed prizes for each level of successful event. Please pay attention to the pack requirements at the bottom of this page to make sure you are able to use this event without any missing parts! Also be sure to read the “tips for a successful event” section further down on this page.

Les Sims ne se sentiront plus inconfortables à cause des flaques qui sont à l'extérieur.

Ownable Adoption Agency
Ownable Adoption Agency Mod adds the ability to purchase your own adoption agency, qualify an adoption applicant, collect needed documents, verify documents on the computer, and earn money if the adoption is successful.

Ownable Dance Studios
Ownable Dance Studios Mod adds a the new lot type Dance Studio that you can purchase on a basegame computer, open the dance studio and close it.

Pack Icon Hider
Removes pack icons, up to and including Horse Ranch. Clean up that catalog!

Pack Tests
If you ever need to test whether your users have a particular pack installed or not, this script will allow you to do so directly

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Paint Of Heart – Functional Paper Sketchpad
Ditch the expensive tablet and create the old fashioned way! The Paint of Heart Paper Sketchpad has all of the same interactions as the digitalistic sketchpad but in a paper format and no crafting costs.
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