When your Sims are standing in front of the sink* in the morning, they might notice something odd: pimples! Teenagers (and on rare occasions older Sims as well) can get pimples with this mod. They are assigned a hidden moodlet which will last for a maximum of 24 hours. The time can be reduced if you do anti-stress activities (like yoga, shower). Sims will get pimples randomly, and based on their traits they will either be less ore more prone to get pimples. Some Sims might even suffer from severe acne, while Sims with the reward trait "great kisser" will never get acne, so buy this reward trait if you want to spare some Sims.
Also based on their traits (and some randomness), Sims will get a 2 hour lasting embarrassed moodlet when they notice the pimples. Other Sims will not be affected by pimples that much.
Your Sims can get rid of their pimples by taking medicine, herbal remedies (deodorant) or a cup of green tea resp. Lemon Honey Ginger tea. Their parents might also chose to share detoxation secrets with them or help them to relax (the latter interaction will only remove the embarassed moodlet, though). Gussy up at the mirror might also help if your Sim is lucky.
Sims who are relaxed and well kept will not get pimples. So share relaxing techniques will also help your Sims to provide for not getting pimples.
*I linked the moodlets of this mod to the wash hands interaction, so this mod will be incompatible with "nowashhands"-mods. It will also not work if you are cheating to keep your Sims´ motives permanently high.

par Pandasama in Objets fonctionnels
Pinata + Clown Un A Box Toys For Toddlers & Children
Ajoute une pinata & un clown dans une boite pour vos bambins & enfants

Pirate Treasure Mod
It adds a new type of treasure map, named 'Pirate Treasure Map', that is labeled with a location that refers to a specific Base Game or Island Living neighborhood.

par Ravensheen in Objets fonctionnels
Piz-Za Heaven Instant Delivery
Pizza delivery in Sims 4 got you down? Problem solved with the Piz-za Heaven Delivery Menu! These menus are normally thrown into junk drawers or right into the trash – but now they actually have a use!

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Placemats Only Disappear After Finished Eating
(The Placemats itself don't get deleted sometimes when Sims clean up (only the Plates get cleaned up) and you have to clean them up manually.)

par Srlsysims in Petits mods
Plan Career Outfit Mod
Ajoute une interaction "planifier ses vêtements" sur toutes les commodes et armoires.

Similar to the Sims 2 style, plants will only go dormant in winter with this mod, so your sims can harvest from spring to autumn. There's an separate package for the herbs in Granite Falls, which will not go dormant at all.

par LittleMsSam in Gameplay
Plasma Packs From Plasma Fruits
Ajoute un nouveau pack de plasma qui peut être fabriqué à partir de fruits de plasma.
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