par Twisted Mexi in Cheats
All Cheats
Re-enables all in-game cheats that were disabled in the seasons patch.

par Adeepindigo in Cheats
Career Shortcut Activities
This is the cheatiest mod I've ever made but I needed it when playtesting some other mods. What it does it fairly simple: it helps to complete your sims' daily task while helping them skill up in the skills and/or requirements needed for promotions and performance.

par Twisted Mexi in Cheats
Decorative Vehicles Cheat
Adds full resolution vehicles to the current lot.

par Twisted Mexi in Cheats
Destroy Object Cheat Fix
Adds the debug cheat Destroy Object back to the game. *Requires AllCheats mod

Restores the destroy object cheat: Sims can destroy objects by shift clicking on them. You can use this mod to destroy stinky leaf piles, coffee left in the streets of San Myshuno, pet poo, struck objects floating in midair, violins about to be used by noisy roommates, dirty dishes, garbage plants and much more.

Adds an instant refill pet food bowl cheat when you shift click on food bowls. Requires testingcheats enabled for some players.

par chingyu1023 in Cheats
Mass Traits Remover
Cet outil vous aide à supprimer les traits de vos Sims en masse, sans avoir à cliquer sur supprimer les traits un par un ou un autre mod de traits de triche.

When you shift-click on any Sim, you can now either alter them in CAS or change their outfit.

Morts Instantanées !
Avec Morts instantanées, Cliquez sur votre sim et choisissez la façon dont il va succomber ! 💀

Re-Roll Wants
Permet de réeinitialisee les désirs via une interaction de triche + lorsque votre Sim se réveille.
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