par NeedCoffee4That in Petits mods
Mini-Mod : I Can Breath Just Fine
Ce mod modifie l'interaction autonome "tousser" dans les quartiers pollués de manière à ce que seuls les sims avec certains traits soient affectés.

par NeedCoffee4That in Petits mods
Mini-Mod : I Like The Rain
Ajoute deux nouveaux traits : pas de parapluies & aime la pluie. Cela vous permet d'empêcher vos Sims d'utiliser des paraepluies s'il pleut.

par NeedCoffee4That in Petits mods
Mini-Mod : Max Motor Unlocks Fitness
Ce mini-mod permet aux enfants d'apprendre la compétence fitness une fois qu'ils ont maîtrisé la compétence motricité.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Missing Channels
The new TVs of the Pack have some Channels (Weather, Seasons Holiday TV Premiere, Watch New Years & Countdown) missing which is fixed.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
More Costume Options For Wear Costume Holiday
Pirat, Pumpkin, Skeleton, Princess, Holiday Helper for Kids. Fairy, Witch for Teens

par Adeepindigo in Petits mods
More Pet Care Activities
This is a fairly straightforward mod. It allows your sims to go with and/or send their pets to rabbitholes to fulfill needs, learn new tricks, get supplies, go to the vet, and more. You can choose multiple pets.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
More Plopsy Objects
Added Plopsy Options to the following Objects (so far): At Woodworking Table crafted Instruments; At Robotics Workstation crafted Utili-Bots, Chatter Bots, RC Quadcopter. Collectibles: Crystals, Metal, Fossils, Frogs, My Sims, Elements, Insects, Aliens, City Life Poster, City Life Snowglobes, Snowy Escape Gachapons, Artifacts. XML Injector needed to work

par MizoreYukii in Petits mods
More Restaurant Menu Options
This mod increases the menu limit in restaurants to 50 or 100 (only choose one!) instead of the default 30. This means that for each category (appetizers, drinks, entrees, etc.) you can now choose 50 or 100 items to serve.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Murphy Beds Fix
Another Bug Fix for Tiny Houses so the new Beds won't break every Night

par Twisted Mexi in Petits mods
Neighborhood Stories Viewer
Replaces the one-at-a-time notifications with a dedicated viewer for all neighborhood stories. More load as you scroll.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Audio Sound & Dirty Floorsoptional Addons:
I disabled the Dust Overlay on the whole Floor so now only Dust Piles & Bunnies will appear. The sounds when the Floor State changes is also disabled.- "No Bunnies", "No DustPiles" disables Bunnies and/or DustPiles- "Keep Audio", "Keep Dirty Floors" to enable Audio and Dirty Floors for those who want that

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Auto Club Gathering (Active Household)
Usually when you are in a Club an travel to a Lot with one/two more Members of the same Club the autonomously starts a Gathering even if you don't want that. This stops those auto Gatherings! It will not stop NPC Gatherings that are happening and you can still manually start a Gathering.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Auto Dive For Meals In Dumpster
When i used the Auto Fullfill Hunger they always want to jump into the dumpster. I needed to stop that.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Celeb Outfit Copying
This should prevent Sims to copy the Outfit of Celebs.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Job Offer Calls & No Blind Date Calls
Those Calls should not happen anymore

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Kids Outdoor Objects In Rain Or Heavy Snow
When the Weather is bad and the Object (Monkey Bar, Jungle Gym, Swings, Dollhouse) is outside certain Interactions are disabled to prevent Kids to do them autonomously.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Present Opening Cooldown
"Why do i have to wait three hours until i can open my next Present Mom?"

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
No Shoes At Home
When Sims are inside on a Residential Lot they will take of their Shoes (Unfortunaly also slippers). Be aware Foundations count as inside no matter if they are a Patio etc.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Npcs Auto Massage & Meditation
(not needed if you have the More buyable Venues Mod it is already included there!!!)Spa Guest NPCs ask autonomously for a Massage at MassageTables & meditate autonomously via MeditationStool

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Nurture Gives More Health
Lowered the time to nurture and increased the affect on Health.

par Frankk in Petits mods
Online Homework
Can't find your sim's notebook? Well, now you can do their homework at any computer o

par Midnitetech in Petits mods
Online Tasks Mini Mod
This adds a new interaction to your Sims' computers, under the Career pie menu category to allow your Sims to work from home, earning $

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Only High Mischief Skill Sims Cheat At Final Exam
When Sims take the Final Exam there is a random Loot where they cheat and either fail or succeed at cheating. Every Sim that is not at least lvl 4 in Mischief has a high Chance to fail and get caught. I changed the random loot a bit: Only Sims with at least level 6 in Mischief should cheat and only have a chance to fail when they have the Clumsy Trait.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Perfectionist No Canvas Destroying
EA added a new Feature where Sims with the Perfectionist Trait get a push to retry. The current canvas on an easel gets destroyed then. It does not happen with other retry interactions as it seems, so i consider this a Bug. I added a Slot Empty Test, so they will only retry via Easels if the Easel Slot is empty.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Pets Longer Nap
Pets now sleep longer when they are napping. Default time was 45-60min. New Time is 180-240min unless they get woken up by someone/something.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Photos Storageable
A Mod that makes Photos storageable in Storage Chests, Toy Boxes and Craft Sales Table

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Placemats Only Disappear After Finished Eating
(The Placemats itself don't get deleted sometimes when Sims clean up (only the Plates get cleaned up) and you have to clean them up manually.)

par Srlsysims in Petits mods
Plan Career Outfit Mod
Ajoute une interaction "planifier ses vêtements" sur toutes les commodes et armoires.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Please Be A Bit Calmer Werewolves
This has two Parts that can be used together or on their own each: 1) "Normal Animations" - Removes the Animation override for example the Eat Animation 2) "Lower Chance For Temperament Buffs" - the Chance to get one of those Angry Temperament Buffs is set to 5% each.

par LittleMsSam in Petits mods
Prefer Leftover
Sims don't auto cook if food is in the fridge and instead prefer to eat the leftover. Keep in mind if you use my "No Auto Food Grab" Mod: That Mod will stop Sims from getting leftover autonomously when the "prevent buff" is active (The Autofill Button in the UI is autonomous behaviour as well). If that is the case you need to manually send them to get leftover."
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